sketch [3]

Experimental Clock


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In the first sketch, I want to use color to show time change in a consistant way.

This one, I want to add a connection between the sketch and the real world, like when it is night the color gets dark and bright when it's on the day.

And this one is what I choose to work on, I just focus on the form and shapes. With three layers represent second, minute, and hour, every line stands for a count on each value. It's kind of hard to read the clock and it would build an interesting experience for the users I think. However, after I finish the basic visual effects of the clock, I get stuck to make a more advanced job of the work. I want to use class and array functions to make a more complex visual design but I don't know how to achieve the tail effect to the lines. However, I am working on that, I think I could figure it out till tomorrow.



In this assignment, the new part is we insert a consistant changing value, time, and that is really fun to do practice about it. When we watch out the conventional concept of clock, we tend to have a traditional visual default, a round item with 3 pointers on it and rotating in a circle. We use this form cause it is the best way to show a linary infinite change of value in a circle. But when we think it profoundly, we can cut the time concept into hour, minute and second, we seperate the intergrated time concept into 3 different parts. Vision form could build a new perspective about how we know time. Einstein's theory of Relativity tells us that time is a relative concept, so different forms can also carry different states of time, giving time different personalities and emotions. Easy to read, hard to read, undulating, stationary, curved, straight lines, as we expand the dial style, also expand our knowledge of time.