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Tonka truckDescription
This was one of my favorite toys when I was a kid, a fairly big, yellow metal haul truck (approximately 40cm long and 25cm wide). It had 4 big hard plastic wheels with yellow rims half the size of the truck in height. The cab occupies about 1/3 of the length and had small greenish plastic for windows. The bed of the truck had a trapezoidal shape, higher near the cab and progressively shorter towards the end of the truck (the bottom part of the bed was at an angle while the top remained constant). The bed also had a canopy extending over the cab in order to protect it.
Design Process
My partner is Emilio, he uses a lot of precise numbers to describe his toy's shape, how it looks like, and the proportions of width and height of different components. This way is really useful to figure out what it looks like and I can follow his introduction to make it done.
In the class, we were assigned into pairs and drew a pic by the description from others. The accurate between the words and the original picture and the final picture is related to how complex the original one is. When the picture becomes more complex, the description should become exponentially complex due to more mutual relations.